Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One of my interests is basketball, so I like ESPN magazine because they have a lot of basketball updates.

My favorite player in the NBA is Kobe Bryant, so for my second interest was SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, the picture of Kobe.

Another one of my interests is skateboarding, so I got a es Skateboarder magazine ad

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

For the first picture I appear like a winner, because I'm smiling.
How I got that effect is by tightening muscles in my face to make me smile so I look like a winner.

For the second picture I appear like I'm the same in the first but it's just a different cover.
How I got that effect is by uploading the same picture to a different cover.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented or omitted in this message?
In this picture Kobe looks mad, fierce, competitive, he's making a weird face, buff, and focused.

What techniques are used to attract my attention?
What techniques were used to attract my attention is probably nothing its just a picture of Kobe during a game.

The second picture Kobe looks official, rich, happy, everyone's looking at him, you can tell the focus of the picture is Kobe.

Again I don't think that this picture is supposed to draw anyone's attention, because it isn't for a magazine or anything.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cartoon Reality

1. I don't really think that it is saying anything about a specific topic, but, I like Garfield so i chose a Garfield one as my first comic.
2. I can't answer this because it has no topic.
3. I found this is yahoo! news.

1. The statement that this article is making is that cell phone companies are getting to competitive for the consumers attention.

2. I agree with the statement this is making, which is that cell phone companies are coming out with way to much stuff for us to keep up with just so that we (the consumer) will use their company.

3. I found this at Yahoo! news.

1. What I think this article is trying to state is that holidays are always the same, it's always like the same face on a pumpkin or the same thing every year no matter what celebration.

2. I agree with this statement, every year its the same thing.

3. I found this article at Yahoo! news

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Newspaper Pictures 2

1. Morocco, Aufait
2. Wednesday, October 28, 2009
3. someone farted
4. because it has a white guy in Africa, who looks like he is powerful to the community.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Newspaper Pictures

1. Canada, Toronto Sun, published in Toronto, Canada.
2. Tuesday, October 27, 2009
3. He's just chillin' smiling at the camera.
4. It took up almost the whole page and it was one of the first newspaper covers i seen.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1. Who made this message?
Who made this message is Bacardi.

2. Why was this made?
Why this message was made is so that Bacardi could display their product to consumers.

3. Who is the target audience (and how do you know)?
Anyone who likes watermelon and drinking is targeted in this message, how i know is because there is only watermelon and Rum.

4. Who paid for this?
The consumer paid for this ad by buying the product.

5. Who might benefit from this message?
The producers of Bacardi will benefit from this message.

6. Who might it harm?
This ad might harm anyone who buys the product and drinks it to the excess.

7.Why might this message matter to me?
This ad doesn't matter at all to me because i can't buy it.

8. What kinds of actions might I take in response to this message?
Ask someone to buy it for me.

9. What is this about (and what makes you think that)?
This message is about Watermelon Rum, how i know this is because it has watermelon and rum in the ad.

10. What ideas, values,information, and/or points of view are overt? implied?
The idea behind this message is to just buy the product to "explore the taste."

11. What is left out of this message that might be important to know?
What is left out of this message that might be important to know is the health facts from using this product.

12. What techniques are used?
what technique is used is wealth.

13. Why is that technique used?
Why that technique was used is to make the appearance of the drink being expensive and fancy.

14. How do they communicate the message?
How they communicate the massage is like almost daring you to try their product.

15. How might different people understand this message differently?
i don't know how might different people understand this message differently.

16. what is my interpretation of this and what do I learn about myself from my reaction or interpretation?
I realize that I love watermelon and rum, from this message.

17. When was this made?
This was made Apr. 26th

18. Where or how was it shared with the public?
How this ad was shared with the public is by being a magazine ad.

19. Is this fact, opinion, or something else?
This is something else.

20. How credible is this (and what makes you think that)?
I don't know how credible this is.

21. What are the sources of the information, ideas, or assertions? is the source of information.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

my first video

The video I chose was Classroom Rules, I chose this video because everything on Google video was from Youtube, so I went to and got the first video i saw.